O. Pilyavets, V. Zborovskii, and S. Mancini A Lossy bosonic quantum channels with non-Markovian memory
J. Eisert, M. Cramer, M.B. PlenioArea laws for the entanglement entropy - a review
S. Pirandola, S. Mancini, S. Braunstein, and S. Lloyd Continuous variable quantum cryptography using two-way quantum communication
M.B. Plenio and S.F. Huelga Dephasing assisted transport: Quantum networks and biomolecules
M. Plenio, S. Virmani Many body physics and the capacity of quantum channels with memory
G. Chiribella, G.M. D'Ariano and P. Perinotti Memory effects in quantum channel discrimination
A. Bayat, D. Burgarth, S. Mancini, and S. Bose Memory effects in spin-chain channels for information transmission
G. Chiribella, G.M. D'Ariano and P. Perinotti Optimal cloning for unitary transformations
Filippo Caruso, Vittorio Giovannetti, Chiara Macchiavello, Mary Beth Ruskai Qubit channels with small correlations
T. Picot, A. Lupascu, S. Saito, C.J.P.M. Harmans and J.E. Mooi Role of relaxation in the quantum measurement of a superconducting qubit using a nonlinear oscillator
M. Owari, M. B. Plenio, E. S. Polzik, A. Serafini, M. M. WolfSqueezing the limit: quantum benchmarks for the teleportation and storage of squeezed states
D.I. Tsomokos, M.B. Plenio, I. deVega, S.F. HuelgaState Transfer in Highly Connected Networks and a Quantum Babinet Principle

G.M. D'Ariano, D. Magnani and P. Perinotti Adaptive Bayesian and frequentist data processing for quantum tomography
J. Guetschow Clifford channels with memory
V. Giovannetti, D. Burgarth, S. ManciniCommunication Through a Quantum Link
M.J. Hartmann, J. Prior, S.R. Clark, and M.B. Plenio Density Matrix Renormalization Group in the Heisenberg Picture
P. J. Mosley, A. Christ, A. Eckstein, and C. SilberhornDirect Measurement of the Spatial-Spectral Structure of Waveguided Parametric Down-Conversion
Angel Rivas, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioEntanglement and non-Markovianity of quantum evolutions
Johannes GutschowEntanglement Generation of Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata
M. Avenhaus, M. V. Chekhova, L. A. Krivitsky, G. Leuchs, C. Silberhorn Experimental verification of high spectral entanglement for pulsed waveguided parametric down-conversion
M. Avenhaus, A. Eckstein, P. J. Mosley, C. Silberhorn Fiber-assisted Single Photon Spectrograph
C. Lupo, L. Memarzadeh, S. ManciniForgetfulness of continuous Markovian quantum channels
M. Mosonyi and N. Datta Generalized relative entropies and the capacity of classical-quantum channels
F. Caruso, A.W. Chin, A. Datta, S.F. Huelga and M.B. Plenio Highly efficient energy excitation transfer in light-harvesting complexes: The fundamental role of noise-assisted transport
W. Mauerer, M. Avenhaus, W. Helwig, C. Silberhorn How Colors Influence Numbers: Photon Statistics of Parametric Downconversion
P. Forn-Diaz, R.N. Schouten, W.A. den Braver, J.E. Mooij, C.P.J.M. Harmans Josephson squelch filter for quantum nanocircuits
A. Serafini, A. Retzker, M. B. PlenioManipulating the quantum information of the radial modes of trapped ions: Linear phononics, entanglement generation, quantum state transmission and non-locality tests
W. Helwig, W. Mauerer, C. Silberhorn Multi-mode states in decoy-based quantum key distribution protocols
P. Krammer, H. Kampermann, D. Bruss, R. Bertlmann, L. Kwek and C. Macchiavello Multipartite entanglement witnesses via structure factors
C. Lupo, O. Pilyavets, and S. Mancini On the capacities of a lossy bosonic channel with correlated noise
A. Lupascu, P. Bertet, E.F.C. Driessen, C.J.P.M. Harmans, J.E. MooijOne- and two-photon spectroscopy of a flux qubit coupled to a microscopic defect
D. Gross Outline of a theory of Gaussian memory channels
L. Memarzadeh, and S. Mancini Photon losses depending on polarization mixedness
F. Buscemi, G. Gour, and J. S. Kim Polygamy of distributed entanglement
F. Buscemi Private quantum decoupling
G.M. D'Ariano, S. Facchini, P. Perinotti, M.F. SacchiProbability-fidelity tradeoffs for targeted quantum operations
N. Oxtoby, A. Rivas, S.F. Huelga, R. FazioProbing a composite spin-boson environment
K. Laiho, K. N. Cassemiro and Ch. SilberhornProducing high fidelity single photons with optimal brightness via waveguided parametric down-conversion
G.M. D'Ariano and P. Perinotti Quantum no-stretching: a geometrical interpretation of the no-cloning theorem
David Gross, Yi-Kai Liu, Steven T. Flammia, Stephen Becker, Jens EisertQuantum state tomography via compressed sensing
R. H�bener, C. Kruszynska, L. Hartmann, W. D�r, F. Verstraete, J. Eisert and M.B. Plenio Renormalization algorithms with graph enhancement
A. Christ, K. Laiho, A. Eckstein, T. Lauckner, P. J. Mosley, C. Silberhorn Spatial modes in waveguided parametric down-conversion
A. Rivas, N. Oxtoby and S.F. HuelgaStochastic resonance phenomena in spin chains
M. Hayashi, D. Markham, M. Murao, M. Owari and S. VirmaniThe geometric measure of entanglement for a symmetric pure state with non-negative amplitudes
F. Buscemi and N. Datta The quantum capacity of channels with arbitrarily correlated noise
G. Chiribella, G.M. D'Ariano and P. PerinottiTheoretical framework for quantum networks
C. MacchiavelloTransition features in quantum communication channels with correlated noise
F. G. Paauw, A. Fedorov, C. J. P. M Harmans, and J. E. Mooij Tuning the Gap of a Superconducting Flux Qubit

E. S. Kadantsev, M. Zielinski, M. Korkusinski, P. HawrylakAb initio calculation of band edges modified by (001) biaxial strain in group IIIA–VA and group IIB–VIA semiconductors: Application to quasiparticle energy levels of strained InAs/InP quantum dot
Katiúscia N Cassemiro, Kaisa Laiho and Christine SilberhornAccessing the purity of a single photon by the width of the Hong–Ou–Mandel interference
David Gross, Markus Mueller, Roger Colbeck, Oscar C. O. DahlstenAll reversible dynamics in maximally non-local theories are trivial
M. Zieliński, M. Korkusiński, and P. HawrylakAtomistic tight-binding theory of multiexciton complexes in a self-assembled InAs quantum dot
C. S�ller, B. Brecht, P. J. Mosley, L. Y. Zang, A. Podlipensky, N. Y. Joly, P. St. J. Russell, andBridging visible and telecom wavelengths with a single-mode broadband photon pair source
C. Lupo, V. Giovannetti, and S. Mancini Capacities of lossy bosonic memory channels
F. Buscemi and N. DattaDistilling entanglement from arbitrary resources
Marcus Cramer, Martin B. Plenio, Steven T. Flammia, David Gross, Stephen D. Bartlett, Rolando Somma,Efficient quantum state tomography
Javier Prior, Alex. W. Chin, Susana. F. Huelga, Martin .B. PlenioEfficient simulation of strong system-environment interactions
Filippo Caruso, Alex W. Chin, Animesh Datta, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioEntanglement and entangling power of the dynamics in light-harvesting complexes
C. Lupo, and S. Mancini Entanglement enhanced bit rate over arbitrary many uses of a lossy bosonic channel with memory
G. Puentes, A. Datta, A. Feito, J. Eisert, M.B. Plenio, I.A. WalmsleyEntanglement quantification from incomplete measurements: Applications using photon-number-resolving weak homodyne detectors
Alex W. Chin, �ngel Rivas, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioExact mapping between system-reservoir quantum models and semi-infinite discrete chains using orthogonal polynomials
S. R. Clark, J. Prior, M. J. Hartmann, D. Jaksch, M. B. PlenioExact matrix product solutions in the Heisenberg picture of an open quantum spin chain
Florian RichterFinite Roots of Completely Depolarizing Channels
H. Wunderlich, S. Virmani, M. B. PlenioHighly-efficient estimation of entanglement measures for large experimentally created graph states via simple measurements
A. Chiuri, G. Vallone, N. Bruno, C. Macchiavello, D. Bruss and P. MataloniHyperentangled mixed phased Dicke states: optical design and detection
P. C. de Groot, A. F. van Loo, J. Lisenfeld, R. N. Schouten, A. Lupa�cu, C. J. P. M Harmans, and JLow-crosstalk bifurcation detectors for coupled flux qubits
Angel Rivas, A. Douglas K. Plato, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioMarkovian Master Equations: A Critical Study
C. Lupo, V. Giovannetti, S. ManciniMemory effects in attenuation and amplification quantum processes
Rafal Demkowicz-DobrzanskiMulti-pass classical vs. quantum strategies in lossy phase estimation
Alex W. Chin, Animesh Datta, Filippo Caruso, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioNoise-assisted energy transfer in quantum networks and light-harvesting complexes
Filippo Caruso, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioNoise-enhanced classical and quantum capacities in communication networks
N. Ratanje and S. VirmaniNonlocality and notion of entanglement in magic state and stabilizer based quantum computers
C. Cafaro, and S. Mancini On the complexity of statistical models admitting correlations
A. Bisio, G. Chiribella, G.M. D'Ariano and P. PerinottiOptimal learning of an unknown unitary transformation
Z. Shadman, H. Kampermann, C. Macchiavello and D. BrussOptimal super dense coding over noisy quantum channels
A. M. Branczyk, T. C. Ralph, W. Helwig and C. SilberhornOptimized generation of heralded Fock states using parametric down-conversion
Geza Toth, Witlef Wieczorek, David Gross, Roland Krischek, Christian Schwemmer, Harald WeinfurterPermutationally invariant quantum tomography
K. Laiho, K.N. Cassemiro, D. Gross, Ch. SilberhornProbing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point
Kaisa Laiho, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, David Gross, and Christine SilberhornProbing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point
K. Banaszek, R. Demkowicz- Dobrza�ski, M. Karpi�ski, P. Migda�, and C. RadzewiczQuantum and semiclassical polarization correlations
A. Vaziri and M.B. PlenioQuantum coherence in ion channels: Resonances, Transport and Verification
D. Gross, J. Eisert Quantum computational webs
M. Lucamarini, S. ManciniQuantum key distribution using a two-way quantum channel
C. Cafaro, S. ManciniQuantum stabilizer codes for correlated and asymmetric depolarizing errors
M. Cramer and M.B. PlenioReconstructing quantum states efficiently
C. Cafaro, and S. Mancini Repetition Versus Noiseless Quantum Codes For Correlated Errors
T. P.C. de Groot, J. Lisenfeld, R.N. Schouten, C.J.P.M. Harmans and J.E. MooijSelective darkening of degenerate transitions demonstrated with two superconducting quantum bits
F. Caruso, V. Giovannetti, G.M. Palma Teleportation-Induced Correlated Quantum Channels
S.A. Ali, C. Cafaro, D.H. Kim, S. ManciniThe effect of microscopic correlations on the information geometric complexity of Gaussian statistical models
Johannes G�tschow, Sonja Uphoff, Reinhard F. Werner, Zolt�n Zimbor�sTime Asymptotics and Entanglement Generation of Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata
C. Lupo, S. ManciniTransitional behaviour of quantum Gaussian memory channels
N. Datta and M. H. HsiehUniversal Coding for transmission of Private Information
M.B. Plenio, S. VirmaniUpper bounds on fault tolerance thresholds of noisy Clifford-based quantum computers.
G. Chiribella, M. Dall'Arno, G.M. D'Ariano, C. Macchiavello and P. PerinottiViolation of the quantum Hamming bound in quantum error correction with correlated noise

Andreas Eckstein, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn A quantum pulse gate based on spectrally engineered sum frequency generation
A. W. Chin, J. Prior, S. F. Huelga, M. B. PlenioA variational description of the quantum phase transition in the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model
Katiúscia N Cassemiro, Kaisa Laiho and Christine SilberhornAccessing the purity of a single photon by the width of the Hong–Ou–Mandel interference
Alex W. Chin, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioChain representations of open quantum systems and their numerical simulation with time-adapative density matrix renormalisation group methods
Filippo Caruso, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. PlenioCoherent open-loop optimal control of light-harvesting dynamics
C. Cafaro, S. ManciniConcatenation of Error Avoiding with Error Correcting Quantum Codes for Correlated Noise Models
Bernhard NeukirchenContinuous time limit of finitely correlated states
Benjamin Brecht, Andreas Eckstein, Christine SilberhornControlling the correlations in frequency upconversion in PPLN and PPKTP waveguides
C. Lupo, V.Giovannetti, S. Pirandola, S.Mancini, S. Lloyd Enhanced quantum communication via optical refocusing
F. Buscemi and N. Datta Entanglement Cost in Practical Scenarios
K. Dobek, M. Karpiński, R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański, K. Banaszek, and P. Horodecki Experimental Extraction of Secure Correlations from a Noisy Private State
K. Dobek, M. Karpinski, R. Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, K. Banaszek, P. HorodeckiExperimental generation of complex noisy photonic entanglement
A. Chiuri, V. Rosati, G. Vallone, S. Padua, H. Imai, S. Giacomini, C. Macchiavello and P. MataloniExperimental realization of optimal noise estimation for a general Pauli channel
N. Ratanje, S. VirmaniGeneralised state spaces and non-locality in fault tolerant quantum computing schemes
Christoph Söller, Offir Cohen, Brian J. Smith, Ian A. Walmsley, and Christine SilberhornHigh-performance single-photon generation with commercial-grade optical fiber
Andreas Eckstein, AndreasChrist, Peter J. Mosley, and Christine SilberhornHighly Efficient Single-Pass Source of Pulsed Single-Mode Twin Beams of Light
P. Migdał, K. Banaszek Immunity of information encoded in decoherence-free subspaces to particle loss
A. Eusebi, S. ManciniImproving the control strategy in two-way deterministic cryptographic protocols
Michele Dall’Arno, Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano, and Massimiliano F. SacchiInformational power of quantum measurements
M. P. Woods, R. Groux, A. W. Chin, S. F. Huelga, M. B. PlenioMappings of open quantum systems onto chain representations and Markovian embeddings
O. Pilyavets, C. Lupo, S. ManciniMethods for estimating capacities of Gaussian quantum channels
D. Bruss and C. MacchiavelloMultipartite entanglement in quantum algorithms
S.F. Huelga, A. Rivas and M.B. PlenioNon Markovianity assisted steady state entanglement
C. Lupo, S. Pirandola, P. Aniello, S. ManciniOn the classical capacity of quantum Gaussian channels
N. Datta, M.-H. HsiehOne-shot entanglement-assisted classical communication
Nilanjana Datta and Min-Hsiu HsiehOne-shot entanglement-assisted quantum and classical communication
Fernando G.S.L. Brandao, Nilanjana DattaOne-Shot Rates for Entanglement Manipulation Under Non-entangling Maps
A. Rivas and S.F. HuelgaOpen Quantum Systems. An Introduction
Z. Shadman, H. Kampermann, D. Bruss and C. Macchiavello Optimal superdense coding over memory channels
Filippo Caruso, Semion K. Saikin, Enrique Solano, Susana F. Huelga, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Martin B. PlProbing biological light-harvesting phenomena by optical cavities
Andreas Christ, Kaisa Laiho, Andreas Eckstein, Katiúscia N Cassemiro and Christine SilberhornProbing multimode squeezing with correlation functions
C. Cafaro, S. L'Innocente, C. Lupo, S. ManciniQuantifying the performance of quantum codes
M.B. Plenio and S.F. HuelgaQuantum dynamics of bio-molecular systems in noisy environments
G. Chiribella, M. Dall'Arno, G.M. D'Ariano, C. Macchiavello, P. PerinottiQuantum error correction with degenerate codes for correlated noise
L. Memarzadeh, C. Cafaro, S. ManciniQuantum information reclaiming after amplitude damping
Jianming Cai, Filippo Caruso, Martin B. PlenioQuantum limit for avian magnetoreception: How sensitive can a chemical compass be?
Alex W. Chin, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio Quantum Metrology in Non-Markovian Environments
Nadja K. Bernardes, Ludmiła Praxmeyer, and Peter van Loock Rate analysis for a hybrid quantum repeater
Andreas Eckstein, Andreas Christ, Peter J. Mosley, Christine SilberhornRealistic g(2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background
D. GrossRecovering low-rank matrices from few coefficients in any basis
L. Memarzadeh, C. Macchiavello, S. ManciniRecovering quantum information through partial access to the environment
N. Datta, M.-H. Hsieh, F.G.S.L. BrandaoStrong converse rates and an example of violation of the strong converse property
Nilanjana Datta, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Fernando G.S.L. BrandaoStrong converse rates and an example of violation of the strong converse property
R. Hübener, C. Kruszynska, L. Hartmann, W. Dür, M. B. Plenio, and J. EisertTensor network methods with graph enhancement
K. Laiho, A. Christ, K. N. Cassemiro, and C. Silberhorn Testing spectral filters as Gaussian quantum optical channels
N. Datta, M.-H. HsiehThe apex of the family tree of protocols: optimal rates and resource inequalities
Nilanjana Datta and Min-Hsiu HsiehThe apex of the family tree of protocols: optimal rates and resource inequalities
Alessandro Bisio, Michele Dall’Arno, and Giacomo Mauro D’ArianoTradeoff between energy and error in the discrimination of quantum-optical devices
A. Fedorov, P. Macha, A. K. Feofanov, C. J. P. M. Harmans, J. E. MooijTuned transition from quantum to classical for macroscopic quantum states
G. Waldherr, P. Neumann, S. F. Huelga, F. Jelezko, and J. WrachtrupViolation of a Temporal Bell Inequality for Single Spins in a Diamond Defect Center


D. GrossAn obstruction to forgetfullness
R. Werner, D. Gross and J. KiukasCORNER: Continuous time basics
T. SalfeldCriteria for forgetfulness in quantum memory channels
J. Kiukas, A. Ruschhaupt and R.F. WernerFull Counting Statistics of Stationary Particle Beams
Steven T. Flammia, David Gross, Stephen D. Bartlett, Rolando SommaHeralded Polynomial-Time Quantum State Tomography
D. Gross and V. NesmeNote on sampling without replacing from a finite collection of matrices
J. GuetschowRepresentation of Convolutional Stabilizer Codes as Clifford Memory Channels

The objective of the project is to develop a general framework for the understanding and management of noise effects in quantum information technologies.
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